Bullyville Chapter 9 Summary

  • Bart goes home early. In fact, he's asked to take the next day off.
  • Knowing he can't keep his mom in the dark any longer, Bart confesses everything from the ketchup incident up to the fake texts.
  • Bart's mom isn't angry, though she's sad Bart didn't come to her with his troubles. She cries.
  • Once she dries her eyes, Bart's mom becomes indignant—maybe she'll just call a reporter about that little text message.
  • She doesn't even tell Bart that what he did was bad and irresponsible. She knows he knows.
  • On Friday, Bart and his mom head to Baileywell for a conference with Mr. Bratton and Tyro's family.
  • Bart's mom is furious. She tears into Mr. Bratton for not having alerted her to the bullying situation sooner.
  • Mr. Bratton tries to throw Bart under the bus by saying it was his decision not to contact her. But Bart's mom isn't having it; she's seriously so mad.
  • Now she tells Mr. Bratton about the fake dad texts—he didn't know, and he's appalled. Now he's apologizing.
  • Bart peers into Mr. Bratton's office and spots Tyro and his parents. Seems like they're not in the best mood.
  • Bart's ready to snitch about everything—after all, he has nothing to lose.
  • Tyro's mom seems sympathetic, but Tyro's father seems rich.
  • Dr. Bratton asks Bart to tell the whole story, so he does. Tyro's mother is appalled, and Tyro says he was just kidding around.
  • Dr. Bratton confesses that Tyro's parents are the ones who funded Bart's scholarship to Baileywell. Bart's mom doesn't even care, though, she's still mad.
  • Bart realizes he's not going to have to pay for the damage to the Escalade because the Bergens are so rich. Sweet.
  • Tyro's dad floats a suggestion: What if Tyro and Bart join the new community service program the school is establishing? Dr. Bratton thinks this is the most brilliant idea he's ever heard.
  • And what do you know? The volunteer program was founded by Mr. Bergen. It's interesting that he's so into bettering people's lived given that his child is so awful.
  • Bart is skeptical about the community service idea and (understandably) has zero interest in volunteering with Tyro. Plus he's disappointed that he's not just getting expelled.
  • Mrs. Bergen convinces Mr. Bergen that the kids shouldn't have to volunteer together. He concedes, saying they can work at different sites.
  • Bart's assigned to the hospital to work with sick kids, which he thinks sounds depressing.
  • Over Christmas break Bart scores a lot of loot because everyone feels bad about his dad being dead.
  • He goes to the hospital for his orientation, where he's introduced to Mrs. Straus, the program coordinator.
  • Bart is sort of hostile about this whole volunteering thing. Mrs. Straus patiently explains how the program will work; he'll spend two hours at the hospital two afternoons a week.
  • Bart wonders why the kids would want to hang out with him. Wouldn't they just prefer other sick people? Mrs. Straus assures him this isn't the case.
  • Since Bart is clearly tactless, Mrs. Straus gives him some simple instructions. Rule number one? Don't ask the kids about their diseases.