Bullyville Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Her mom and sisters kept urging her—and me—to join a support group so we could get together with the other 9/11 families. But we didn't want to. (2.38)

Bart and his mom felt like the other families wouldn't understand their particular situation since Bart's dad left the family six months before his death. Do you think that's true?

Quote #2

We didn't go out much, we mostly stayed home with the curtains closed and lay on my mom's king-sized bed […].(3.6)

Bart and his mom are pretty much housebound for a period of time after his father's death. This, along with the fact that they never really talk about his dad, increases Bart's feelings of isolation.

Quote #3

I was careful not to make eye contact with anyone. I looked out the window. I was careful not to make eye contact with anyone's reflection. (4.36)

Bart's not exactly the most popular kid on the bus, as this passage demonstrates.