Bullyville Chapter 5 Summary

  • Bart says that one of the difficult things about getting bullied at Baileywell was that it was done in secret. But he knows it's happening to other guys, too.
  • Some of the bullying is so subtle that Bart's not sure it's real. For instance, did he lose his favorite pen or did someone steal it?
  • Over time, the bullying gets worse. Bart knows he should tell someone, but he can't bring himself to do it; he knows it would break his mother's heart.
  • Meanwhile, Bart's feeling more and more alienated from his old public school friends.
  • Someone puts dog doo on Bart's locker, in case you're wondering how his day's going. Oh, and everyone's still referring to him as Fart instead of Bart.
  • When Bart starts getting prank calls at home, he uses them to his advantage, pretending to have conversations on the dead line so his mom thinks he has friends.
  • One Saturday morning, when he's watching cartoons with his mom, Bart gets an especially harrowing prank call—a death threat from Tyro. What a charmer.
  • Bart's mom, oblivious, says how glad she is that Bart has so many friends. Yeah, something like that…