Bullyville Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I didn't watch that much TV, but I'd seen enough talk shows and soap operas and made-for-TV films to know that a middle-aged guy ditching his wife for a newer, hotter model was pretty standard operating procedure for middle-aged married guys. (1.27)

Well first of all, Bart, it sounds like you watch a lot of TV. Secondly, just because your father's a cliché doesn't make what he did less painful.

Quote #2

The girls were superkind to me, and some of them even cried when they saw me, but it just made me feel weak, like some pitiful freak loser. (2.35)

Bart seems appalled by open displays of emotion. Much better to keep it bottled up until it explodes in a totally inappropriate display of violence. Oh yeah, good plan.

Quote #3

He was slightly plump and balding, not at all the stately, Founding Fathers type you'd expect to be running a place like Baileywell. (3.4)

The Founding Fathers, eh? Somehow Shmoop feels skeptical that Bart would have found Dr. Bratton more impressive and manly had he been wearing a powdered wig.