Bullyville Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

No one ever pointed out that Dad didn't even play golf and he'd never gone away on business. All of which made me realize that he'd been missing in action for a long time before he'd actually bailed and moved in with Caroline. (1.31)

Bart's dad left the family six months before he died—a fact that Bart's mom hid from her family. That's a big lie to keep up, especially after his death.

Quote #2

I wished I had more grandparents. I wished I had all the family it was possible to have. (3.10)

Bart's grandparents on his dad's side died before Bart was born, plus he's an only child. He longs for a larger family.

Quote #3

When it turned out that Dr. Bratton was coming to see us, and it seemed like the first thing that had gotten Mom excited, or even interested, in weeks, I felt like I had to get with the program. (3.15)

Bart's love for his mother drives many of his sacrifices in the book. He keeps his misery at Baileywell under wraps for months for her sake.