Bullyville Weakness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

You learn to bully or be bullied, and you learn to do it really well. (1.1)

Bart breaks the students of Baileywell into two categories: the weak and the strong. Guess which category he falls into…

Quote #2

We knew we were both really sad about his being gone. We just didn't need to say it. It was almost as if saying it would have made us feel even more abandoned and pathetic. (1.33)

Bart and his mother seem to view their sadness about his father as a weakness. Bart tries to bottle his up, but it makes its way to the surface eventually. Pro tip: That's kind of how feelings roll.

Quote #3

It was hard to know if the admissions director had a secret preference for kids who looked like rabbits and chickens, or if they'd once looked normal and had been turned, by their experiences at Bullywell, into human versions of the most timid or stupid creatures in the food chain. (4.32)

This is what Bart thinks upon boarding the bus to Baileywell for the first time. Pretty harsh, right? Bart almost sounds like… a bully.