Bullyville Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Every time I thought about my mother being in that building, I felt as if I was about to throw up. (2.9)

Bart lost his father for good, but he also came too close for comfort to losing his mom. Understandably, this freaks him out.

Quote #2

I could make myself sick all over again by letting myself think about what a tiny window—a few degrees of fever, my fever—had made a difference between having a mom and not having a mom. (2.22)

Bart's so freaked out by his mother's brush with death that it's hard for him to focus on the happy fact that she survived.

Quote #3

Once, Mom said she was glad that Dad's parents were dead. They'd both been killed in a car wreck not long before I was born. (3.10)

It's not that Bart's mom is a monster or anything—she liked her in-laws—she's just glad they were spared the pain of their son's death.