Chime Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When you hate yourself, you don't neglect your responsibilities. When you hate yourself, you never forget what you did. (3.112)

These could be lyrics for a pretty good teen angst song. Using guilt and self-hatred, Briony constantly reminds herself to be responsible and take care of Rose—so this self-hatred serves a purpose, though it also keeps Briony from seeing any positives in herself.

Quote #5

I lay in bed, listening to Rose cough. It was a wet, skin-scraping cough, very different from her earlier cough. Rose had never had the swamp cough. I was a fool. (9.98)

Briony's guilt causes her to take matters into her own hands, and because she feels she alone is to blame, she does not turn to anyone else for help. Unfortunately, this leads her to causing Rose real harm. And then, realizing she is to blame for her sister's deadly sickness, Briony feels even guiltier than she did before.

Quote #6

They'd throw stones at me, too, once I was in jail. But at least I was a witch and deserved it. (10.49)

Briony continually reiterates her feelings of guilt as well as the negative fate she feels she deserves because of it. Has she ever heard of positive self-thoughts?