Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Scene 18 Summary

  • It's Christmas at 12 Grimmauld Place and the Weasley family is spending the holidays with Harry, Hermione, and Sirius.
  • Mr. Weasley is home and recovering from his snake attack. He raises a glass to Harry for saving his life. Cheers.
  • A little later, Sirius explains to Harry that this is the house he grew up in. He gave it to Dumbledore for the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix.
  • On the walls of one room is the Black family tree with a few members removed, including Sirius himself. That's okay, he doesn't much care for his fanatical, pure-blood relatives anyway.
  • Harry wonders to Sirius if maybe there's something wrong with his mind. Maybe the connection he has with Voldemort means he's becoming more like Voldemort. After all, he's been through a lot. Maybe he's just turning into a bad person.
  • No, Sirius tells him. That's not how things work. People aren't all good or all bad. All people have light or dark in them and we each have to choose how we're going to act.
  • In any case, Harry doesn't need to worry. When all this Voldemort nonsense is over Harry and Sirius are going to be a family.
  • Oh, man, why do we feel like that's just too good to be true?