Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Do you think it makes a difference that Order of the Phoenix is the longest Harry Potter book, but the second shortest Harry Potter movie? What does that say about the original source material?
  2. One of the themes of this film is the effect that lies have. Not only do the characters in this movie seem to have a very hard time believing Voldemort's back, but adults fail to tell Harry the truth about what's going on because they think he's too young to understand. How does covering up the truth affect everyone in the film?
  3. Do you think Harry would make different decisions if he had stronger family connections?
  4. Why is Harry so angry in this film? What's changed for him since the events of Goblet of Fire?
  5. Who's Harry's real nemesis in this movie? Voldemort? Professor Umbridge? Or the bureaucrats at the Ministry of Magic?
  6. How would this movie be different if we saw all the events through another character's eyes? Like Ron's? Or Hermione's? Or Luna's?
  7. How does the use of color in this movie affect our mood during the film?
  8. Do you think this movie has a political message? If so, what is it?