Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I only work here because of Brooke and Sammy." Ramon picked at the edges of a rogue ketchup packet. "Now…" He didn't know how to finish that sentence. Sam was gone, and Brooke wouldn't be back at work ever. (22.3)

Sam's ordeal with Douglas definitely puts his friendship with the rest of the Plumpy's gang to the test, especially when it comes to Ramon facing a long future of being at a dead-end job without his buddies.

Quote #8

He wiped some leftover powdered cheese on Sam's couch. He had decided that if he did enough stuff to piss Sam off, then Sam would have to stay alive if only so he could yell at Ramon. So, far he had messed up Sam's CD collection and eaten his junk food. It was a good start. (22.84)

Ramon's logic in dealing with Sam's absence is fascinating. Our guess, though, is that Sam's CD collection and powdered cheese on the couch are the least of his worries now that the Douglas Affair is officially concluded.

Quote #9

Sitting back down with Brooke and the girls was unbearable. Sam needed his help. Ramon was useless here […] He only had to look at Brooke to remember how bad it could go. But what was he supposed to do? It was Sammy. (22.146-147)

Watching Ramon go from goofy burger chef who sings show tunes and pelts potatoes at illegally parked cars to hero of the day is pretty satisfying for us readers. Even if he does potentially have to spend the rest of his life as a were-bear.