Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I watched helplessly as Douglas walked through the circle, breaking it. He took his time getting over to me. His black dress shoes held a beatific shine, even after all he'd just done. I could see a small spot of blood on them. (19.170)

The image of Douglas's nearly spotless appearance even after assaulting Sam with a deadly amount of angry spirits is truly haunting. The guy really does have no feelings about inflicting pain on others.

Quote #8

Poor Mr. Davidson got put through the ringer just so I could learn a few things about zombies, like how strong they were, how easily controlled, and that they looked just as silly as live people when they did jumping jacks. Maybe I needed the lesson, but I think it could have been carried out in a more dignified way. (20.87)

While the description of Douglas making the zombie clean his dungeon and reenact his own death carry a darkly comic tone, it still reveals Douglas's inflated sense of power and control, as well as what he's capable of doing to Sam.

Quote #9

With that one drop I knew something very important.

Douglas had killed a lot of people in this room. And a lot of other things.

And they were pissed. (27.5-7)

The knowledge of Douglas's many transgressions and acts of murder seems to make Sam both more terrified of him and more motivated to destroy him. The fact that Sam himself is about to join the ranks of people Douglas has slaughtered to steal their power only makes the realization more potent.