Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He'd agreed to an early retirement deal at Boeing Field and now had all the time in the world, and no one to share the hours with. No one with whom to walk down to the Mon Hei bakery for yuet beng, carrot mooncakes, on cool autumn evenings. (1.8)

Henry's retirement is supposed to be a fun and relaxing time, but that's gone out the window with Ethel's death. Now he doesn't have anyone to share his free time with, and it's awfully lonesome to wander the streets by himself.

Quote #2

Henry wasn't sure which was more frustrating, the nonstop taunting in the school cafeteria or the awkward silence in the little Canton Alley apartment he shared with his parents. (4.1)

Life is hard for little Henry, who feels completely isolated both at school—where he's bullied for being the only Asian kid—and at home. His parents won't even talk to him because they don't speak the same language.

Quote #3

"That's fine. Be who you are," she said, turning away, a look of disappointment in her eyes. "But I'm an American." (12.101)

Keiko thinks Henry understands her plight because he's Asian, too, but when the Japanese Americans in Seattle are being bullied and evacuated, she feels alone even when she's with him since he doesn't have to go through the same degree of suffering and unfair treatment.