Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But now, deep down, Henry wanted to tell his son everything. How seemingly unfair life was in retrospect, and how remarkable it was that they'd all just accepted what they had and made the best of it. (13.3)

Marty doesn't know his father's life story and all the hardship he's been through. Now Henry wants to explain it all to his son—how he grew up in a time of war and faced many obstacles but worked hard and made it through anyway.

Quote #2

As he left the hotel, Henry looked west to where the sun was setting, burnt sienna flooding the horizon. It reminded him that time was short, but that beautiful endings could still be found at the end of cold, dreary days. (17.13)

It's taken him an awfully long time to start looking for Keiko again, but Henry is finally getting somewhere. Sometimes the things that really matter take lots of patience and a heaping spoonful of perseverance before they happen.

Quote #3

Henry looked down at Keiko's things. The photo albums. The wedding album. Things he'd promised to protect. He could barely stand up to one, let alone the three of them. Without thinking, Henry slammed the handle of the Radio Flyer back into the wagon and took off running, pushing the wagon from behind. (22.17)

Being put in charge of Keiko's precious family belongings makes Henry braver than he normally would be, and he runs as fast as he can to get away from the bullies and find a safe hiding place for those photo albums.