Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In the middle of the crowd stood Henry, shopping bags hanging at his side. He felt as if he were waking up from a long forgotten dream. A dream he'd once had as a little boy. (1.1)

Seeing the old belongings brought up from the basement of the Panama Hotel gives Henry all the feels. It's as though his long-buried memories are being excavated and brought out for examination.

Quote #2

The more Henry thought about the shabby old knickknacks, the forgotten treasures, the more he wondered if his own broken heart might be found there, hidden among the unclaimed possessions of another time. Boarded up in the basement of a condemned hotel. Lost, but never forgotten. (1.18)

Henry isn't just looking for random objects at the Panama Hotel—he's looking for a connection with Keiko, who he left behind so long ago. He's trying to bring their relationship back up from where it's been lying dormant.

Quote #3

Henry kept staring at the photo albums, faded reminders of his own school days, looking for someone he'd never find. I try not to live in the past, he thought, but who knows, sometimes the past lives in me. (2.7)

Henry can try as hard as he wants to leave the past behind, but it's always going to come back for him. He might as well embrace it and seek out his first love now that he has the chance.