Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The extra goodies had been at Henry's insistence. He knew his son did okay with the food on campus, but they didn't have anything that compared with a dozen fresh hum bau—and besides, steamed pork buns could easily be reheated in the microwave in Marty's dorm room. (10.1)

Henry may have a hard time sharing his feelings with Marty, but he shows his love for his son in other ways. He buys him extra food to take back to the dorm and always makes sure that his bills are paid.

Quote #2

She shone like a light. "I'm Samantha, I've been dying to meet you." She stepped past his hand and threw her arms around him. Henry patted her, trying to breathe, then gave in and hugged her back. Looking over her shoulder—smiling—Henry gave Marty a thumbs-up. (18.43)

When Henry meets Marty's fiancé for the first time, he makes a point of being friendly and accepting even though she's not Chinese. Henry doesn't care about her race; he just wants her to love his son completely.

Quote #3

"It just came out. I saved up to buy it. For you."

"For us," Henry corrected. "Besides, I can't even play it, we don't even have a record player."

"Then come to my house. My parents want to meet you anyway." (24.27-29)

Keiko obviously cares about Henry if she'll save up all her money to buy him the Oscar Holden record—a record she doesn't even own herself. And Henry cares about her enough to tell her to keep it at her house so they can share the precious recording.