Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Quiz True or False

1. According to the movie, what exactly is the Holy Grail? -> The cup Jesus used during the Last Supper and that caught Jesus' blood at the crucifixion.
2. The Holy Grail's been found once before. By whom? -> Three brothers who were knights of the Crusades
3. How long did the original keepers of the Holy Grail live before they got tired of the whole immortality thing and went back to regular life, eventually dying of (really) old age? -> 150 years
4. Finish this quote from Henry: "The quest for the Grail is not archaeology. It's a race against __________ . " -> time
5. What does the knight guarding the Holy Grail say when Donovan chooses the wrong cup and dies a horrible death? -> "He chose… poorly."
