Jumped Passivity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It's a Dominique-Trina line, not a Dominique-Trina-Leticia triangle. Why? Because I'm not in it. It's not my business. Therefore, I stay out of it. (13.5)

Is this, in fact, true? Is Leticia part of the equation because she observed the interaction? And how is this line of thinking at odds with how Leticia reacts when Bea confronts Jay?

Quote #8

"No," I tell her outright. "I avoid doing difficult things. Difficult doesn't do me any good." (14.15)

When asked if she finds satisfaction in hard work by the secretary, Leticia is honest and admits she doesn't. Think about what this might imply when she has to decide whether or not to get in between Trina and Dominique.

Quote #9

Leticia: R U Coming?

Bea: Did U tell her?

Leticia:   ignore

Bea: Did U tell her?

Leticia:  ignore

Bea: TSha tell her. (26.5-10)

Leticia has no problem texting Bea about the fight, but when Bea starts acting as Leticia's conscience, Leticia just ignores her. It's a passive way to respond to someone, but we wouldn't expect anything less. Or more, really.