Midwinterblood Part 1, Chapter 11 Summary

  • Days pass and Eric sleeps and wakes and drinks the tea—it's so tasty.
  • He walks around the island and waves to the people; he stops to smell the flowers.
  • Merle comes to visit him, but he doesn't feel the same way about her. He vaguely remembers that she was once really important to him… but why? He can't quite figure that out.
  • These days, Merle seems annoyed with him at times. He hasn't done anything, though, and Eric thinks she needs to relax, to chill out like him.
  • The only other visitor he ever has is a hare. One morning, it blocks the path to his door. The hare stares at him so intensely, though, that Eric decides not to mess with it.
  • He goes for a walk instead.
  • And days and days pass by just like this. And Eric forgets everything.