Midwinterblood Part 5, Chapter 5 Summary

  • The next night, Merle went to the meadow and waited for Erik as usual. But he didn't come.
  • After searching for him, she rushed back home only to find her father holding Erik at gunpoint in their drawing room. Sure, it's a little intense, but dear old dad wants to make a point.
  • When her father asked what had been going on, Merle admitted that she loved Erik and wanted to be with him forever.
  • But her father told her that they would never see each other again, and Erik, who didn't really want anyone to get shot, agreed.
  • Merle tried to object, but her father sent her to her room and kicked Erik out of the house. Mean old dad was right: Merle never saw Erik again after that night.
  • The next night, Erik died at sea. It was pretty weird since he was a really good fisherman. These things happen, though, right?
  • Later, Erik's body washed up on shore. And then his boat, which looked like it had been smashed up from the inside. Wait, that can't be right…