Midwinterblood Part 4, Chapter 2 Summary

  • Merle's house is at the center of Blest Island, right by the path that leads to the western half of the island.
  • Merle's mother, Bridget, uses the slightly hidden location of their house to her advantage. It seems that some folks don't approve of the things she does with those dragon orchids. Of course, way back when it all would have been normal. But now? The world has modernized, things have changed.
  • Of course, even Bridget knows that using the dragon orchid can be dangerous. Prepare it one way and it can heal you, but do something else and you might end up dead. No one knows all the secrets of the flower—it's miraculous and dangerous at the same time.
  • On their way to the western island, Merle asks her mother why no one lives on this side of the island.
  • Bridget tells her that more people used to live there, but most of them moved to the eastern half over the years. Most, but not all.
  • Merle races down the path to the western isle and Bridget calls after her to watch out—there are dragons lurking. Merle is psyched.