Midwinterblood Themes

Midwinterblood Themes


Immortality means living forever, but that's not strictly what's going down in Midwinterblood. Eric and Merle don't live one life for a really long time—they are reincarnated or reborn into new l...


When we think of great quests or journeys we probably picture Odysseus sailing home to Ithaca, or the hobbits trekking toward Mordor. But journeys don't have to involve physical travel. In Midwinte...

Language and Communication

Déjà vu: that strange feeling we sometimes get that what is happening now has already happened. Midwinterblood is big on déjà vu moments, and for good reason. Not only do we have the same chara...


Ah, love. Midwinterblood has clearly got romance written all over it. But unlike all your favorite romantic comedies, there will be no happily ever after for our two lovebirds. Even though Eric and...

Memory and the Past

Memory: Cats aren't the only ones interested in it (they just happen to be really good at singing about it). Since Midwinterblood goes down in reverse chronological order, you can bet that the char...


Giving up things isn't easy. And while it's one thing to try to lay off candy (so hard), in Midwinterblood, the stakes are way higher. In nearly every life he lives, Eric sacrifices himself to sav...

The Supernatural

Ghosts. Ghouls. Ancient Gods. We modern folks don't usually put much stock in the supernatural, and the people on Blessed Island are no different. In the modern-day stories in Midwinterblood, you'l...

Visions of Blessed Island

In Midwinterblood, Blessed Island is a beautiful and lush landscape where people delight in taking things a little slower. Nothing wrong with that, right? But it's also a place where the hills chan...