Midwinterblood Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"We will do everything as we always do."

That's Tor. The man he thinks is Henrik speaks next.

"But will it do any good? We have tried for so long!"

"We will do everything as we always do," Tor repeats. He sounds angry. "We will do as our ancestors did."

There is a confusion of voices then, everyone talking at once.

Then Merle says, "I agree with Henrik. We ought to try something different." (1.9.23-28)

Not everyone is sold on the whole human sacrifice thing. Does this mean that Eric isn't the first person they've killed in the attempt to make the island fertile again? Will the sacrifice only work if it's offered freely like it was when King Eirikr did it?

Quote #2

It is a stone table.

Now he begins to struggle, quietly at first, then desperately.

Sheer fear surges from his stomach, into his mouth, making him want to be sick. He fights harder, but the more he struggles, the tighter the silent hands hold him.

He is steps from the stone table, and there is Tor at his side, as he is pulled backward toward it, kicking and now screaming, screaming.

They rip his shirt from his back, cast him onto the table, still pinning him fiercely. The stone rips into his skin, the sun almost blinds him, but his wide terror-staring eyes have time to see Tor draw a massive curved knife from somewhere. (1.13.50-54)

Okay, things are not looking good for Eric Seven. He's quickly put two and two together, and gets that he's about to become a sacrifice. They're going to kill him in some bizarre cultic ritual. Yikes.

Quote #3

In the pure bright moonlight, he half sees Erik, a shadow moving along the coast. The soldiers are after him, running.

Torchlight sweeps the dark, and finds Erik.

There is a short sudden clatter of machine gun fire.

It stops.

David knows that Erik will not be cutting the wheat tomorrow. (3.11.51-55)

Erik runs away from David to lure the enemy soldiers away from him, and David gets to make a clean getaway, but Erik is gunned down. The farmer gives up his own life to save the soldier. Just a few days ago, he didn't even like David. Why do you think Erik is willing to make this sacrifice for a stranger?