Midwinterblood Part 2, Chapter 4 Summary

  • The next morning, Edward gets up earlier than the others and heads over to the meadow to think about what they should do.
  • Should they start digging in a new spot or keep going where they already? It's a tough call.
  • Edward thinks while he surveys the island. It is a pretty perfect place.
  • Blessed Island has two harbors and high ridges of hills for protection. In 1902, some other archeologists found evidence that the Vikings who lived on this island thousands of years ago would drag their boats onto the land and hide in safety between the hills during winter. That must have been something.
  • Edward wonders what this island will be like in another thousand years. More advanced? Or more primitive and violent? We've got our guesses…
  • Suddenly, he hears a voice behind him telling him that he should dig here.
  • Edward spins around and sees Eric in his usual spot—he's pointing at the mound he's always standing on. He tries to talk to the boy, but he won't say more.
  • Mat, Nancy, and Isabella arrive a moment later, and Edward decides that they'll keep digging in one of the trenches while Nancy and Isabella dig up the mound.
  • Edward doesn't mention his little conversation with Eric, and even though they know it's a little unusual, everyone starts digging happily.