On the Road Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #31

"Ah, man, Dean, I’m sorry, I never acted this way before with you. Well, now you know me. You know I don’t have close relationships with anybody any more - I don’t know what to do with these things. I hold things in my hand like pieces of crap and don’t know where to put it down. Let’s forget it." The holy con-man began to eat. "It’s not my fault! it’s not my fault!" I told him. "Nothing in this lousy world is my fault, don’t you see that? I don’t want it to be and it can’t be and it won’t be." (III.6.17)

Sal’s apology quickly turns into a defense, as he feels the need to grovel to the "holy con-man."

Quote #32

"Remember that I believe in you. I’m infinitely sorry for the foolish grievance I held against you yesterday afternoon."(III.6.31)

It is not until later that Sal’s real apology actually surfaces, and only when he sees Dean suffer a hardship.

Quote #33

I said, "He won’t do it again. I’ll watch him; he’s my brother and listens to me. Please put your gun away and don’t bother about anything." (III.7.8)

Sal’s use of the word "brother" to describe his friendship with Dean underscores the intensity of their relationship.