On the Road Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #34

"Well, it’s about time!" said the Broadway Sam travel-bureau boss. "I thought you’d gone off with that Cadillac."

"It’s my responsibility," I said, "don’t worry" - and said that because Dean was in such obvious frenzy everybody could guess his madness. (III.8.9, III.8.10)

Sal is forced to be the responsible member in their friendship.

Quote #35

"Is he your brother?" the boys asked in the back seat. "He’s a devil with a car, isn’t he? - and according to his story he must be with the women."

"He’s mad," I said, "and yes, he’s my brother." I saw Dean coming back with the farmer in his tractor. (III.8.14, III.8.15)

Sal’s use of the word "brother" to describe his friendship with Dean underscores the intensity of their relationship.

Quote #36

"What in the hell did you go and do that for?" I could see he used to be Dean’s older brother. He shook his head; the milk pail was still at his feet. "You always been a crackbrained sonofabitch anyhow." (III.8.21)

Just as Sal is in constant need of a hero, so Dean is in need of an older brother.