On the Road Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #37

We were so used to traveling we had to walk all over Long Island, but there was no more land, just the Atlantic Ocean, and we could only go so far. We clasped hands and agreed to be friends forever. (III.11.6)

Sal contrasts the limitations of geography with what he believes is the limitlessness of his friendship with Dean. It may turn out, however, that they could "only go so far" in their friendship with each other.

Quote #38

"Well, lessgo, lessgo!" Dean leaped out of the car and clasped Victor’s hand. There was a group of other boys hanging around the station and grinning, half of them barefoot, all wearing floppy straw hats. "Man," said Dean to me, "ain’t this a nice way to spend an afternoon. It’s so much cooler than Denver poolhalls. Victor, you got gurls? Where? A donde?" he cried in Spanish. "Dig that, Sal, I’m speaking Spanish." (IV.5.21)

While Sal is more reserved, Dean makes friends quickly and easily.

Quote #39

Dean didn’t bother with a shower, and we saw him far across the sad park, strolling arm in arm with good Victor and chatting volubly and pleasantly and even leaning excitedly toward him to make a point, and pounding his fist. Then they resumed the arm-in-arm position and strolled. The time was coming to say good-by to Victor, so Dean was taking the opportunity to have moments alone with him and to inspect the park and get his views on things in general and in all dig him as only Dean could do. (IV.5.55)

Dean is immediately drawn to many of the people he meets, forming close friendships in a matter of hours.