Outlander Chapter 26 Summary

How It All Goes Down

The Laird's Return

  • We're in Part 5 (Lallybroch), and Claire and Jamie talk a lot on the way to Lallybroch: Claire about "modern" life, Jamie about his hunt with the Duke. (It went okay. No one was buggered against his will.)
  • They're greeted by dogs when they arrive at Lallybroch, which almost knock Claire over.
  • Jamie is greeted by his sister, Jenny, at the door, and she almost knocks him over. 
  • They instantly start fighting because she's pregnant again, and Jamie cannot believe that she lives in disgrace, already having had Randall's baby and all.
  • To make matters worse, she named Randall's bastard after Jamie.
  • While they're loudly yelling, Claire meets Ian Murray, Jenny's husband who's nice and only has one leg.
  • Jenny and Jamie are still arguing, but it finally gets hashed out that Jenny never had Randall's baby. He, of course, couldn't get it up and never raped her. Both her current child, young Jamie, and her current pregnancy are courtesy of her husband, Ian.
  • They finally make up and hug it out.