Outlander Chapter 7 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Davie Beaton's Closet

  • Impressed with Claire's skill as a healer, Colum takes her to Davie Beaton's surgery; he was the last healer at Castle Leoch.
  • He wasn't a very good one, though. Don't believe us? One of his favorite medicines is dried horse dung. We hesitate to ask how that was administered.
  • Claire has a moment to herself to reflect and wonder just how in the heck she ended up two hundred years in the past, but she of course comes to no definitive conclusion. 
  • She takes a break from lunch and brings Jamie food at the stables, where she learns a bit more about his injuries, including a peculiar wound on his neck. He doesn't know who dealt it to him, and Claire wonders if it was another clansmen. 
  • After lunch, Claire returns to the surgery to inventory all the items.
  • She finds a chest of grisly (and stained) medical instruments, which she drags aside to be cleaned.
  • Once she's done, her first patient arrives: a young man with a sprained foot. Claire thinks, "apparently the new physician of Castle Leoch was now in practice" (7.131).