Duty Quotes in Outlander

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I felt like a traitor, in fact. Here [Jamie] was, making plans that would affect his entire life, taking my comfort and safety into account, when I had been doing my best to abandon him completely, dragging him into substantial danger in the process. (23.31)

Claire and Jamie make a vow of honesty on their wedding night. As a result, she feels super guilty when she realizes how much time she's spend plotting to essentially betray his trust. Which is more important to her: her duty as a wife, or returning to her own time?

Quote #8

"I regret only that I have but on life to give for my country?" I asked ironically. (25.108)

Here Claire quotes Nathan Hale, a man who died spying on the British during the Revolutionary War. Claire is referring to Geillis's dubious loyalty here, as the witch is diverting money away from Scotland to France, to assist in the Jacobite uprising that will eventually wipe out all the Highlanders.

Quote #9

"Do what ye wish to me. I'll not struggle, though I'll allow you to bind me if ye think it needful. And I'll not speak of it, come tomorrow. But first you'll see the woman safe from the prison." (35.205)

Jamie feels that it is his husbandly duty to sacrifice himself for Claire… even if the sacrifice means submitting himself as catcher to Randall's pitcher. He already feels like he failed Claire once, back when they were almost shot by the river, so it's not surprising to us that he chooses to make this sacrifice now.