Love Quotes in Outlander

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Jenny] stepped into [Jamie's] embrace, and the rough bright head bent to the dark. (26.251)

Here's a little non-romantic love for you, although the love between Jamie and his sister Jenny isn't any less passionate. They fight like crazy when reunited, but only because they love each other so much. Jamie Fraser, the fiery Scotsman, doesn't do anything half-way, not even love, no matter who he loves.

Quote #8

One never stops to think what underlies romance. Tragedy and terror, transmuted by time. Add a little art in the telling, and voila! a stirring romance, to make the blood run fast and the maidens sigh. (35.226)

Do you agree with this formula for romance? It definitely works for Claire and Jamie.

Quote #9

And was there love there? Beyond the limits of flesh and time, was all love possible? Was it necessary? (38.147)

Claire ponders this as she sits and has a conversation with God… or at least a Presence with a capital P who might be God. She considers both extremes: that there is no love, and that there is all love. Are the two concepts really all that different?