Slam Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Well. I didn't have a choice, did I? I was carrying you around with me. I couldn't escape."

"You mean blokes can get out of it?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mum! Telling me I should run! (11.83-84)

It's never nice to hear that your mom felt obligated to take care of you. While that's not exactly what Sam's mom means here, it's clear that she felt trapped in some ways when she got pregnant. It's also clear that she doesn't want her son to feel the same way.

Quote #8

You should never drag stuff out of a nice conversation and chuck it back in the middle of a nasty one. Instead of one good memory and one bad memory, you're left with two s***ty ones. (16.165)

Sam's not sure why he brought up some dirt on Alicia just to get back at her, but he did. Sam needs to learn to think before he acts—his choices keep negatively affecting his life.

Quote #9

The thing was, though, I had no choice but to wait. There wouldn't be any point in hurrying it up, would there? How would that work? I couldn't cram fifteen years of knowing Roof into two or three, could I? (18.48)

Thinking about controlling Roof's choices in life, Sam realizes he won't be able to control them whatsoever. It's one of the toughies for parents. They don't get to tell their kids what to decide as they grow up. Sigh.