Slam Social Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"No, he is good, I know," said her mum. "But sometimes, if you don't… If you haven't…"

Alicia started to laugh. "Go on, Mum. Try and finish the sentence in a way that doesn't piss Sam off." (4.31-32)

When Alicia's parents claim Sam doesn't have a future, he's understandably upset. Little does he realize that his own mom will claim the same thing after she learns about the pregnancy. It might make Sam upset to hear it, but he doesn't do anything to stop it from coming true.

Quote #5

Alicia's mum told her dad off for what he'd said, and he apologized. I knew I wasn't going to forget it, though. "You people." Which people? The people who have babies when they're sixteen? What kind of people are they? (9.234)

The gloves come off when Robert learns his daughter is knocked up. We'd like to point out that he doesn't yell at Alicia for her part in the pregnancy, though, instead turning it into a class issue. It's more about the fact that Sam and "his people" are low and get people pregnant at a young age. Yikes.

Quote #6

I knew what they thought of me. They thought I was some hoodie chav who'd messed up their daughter's future, and they sort of hated me for it. I know it sounds funny, but I could understand that. I mean, I certainly hadn't helped, had I? (11.3)

We appreciate that Sam is so candid with us, especially in telling us that he gets the Burns' viewpoint of him. The only problem? If he thinks of himself as less than Alicia even though they both played a role in getting pregnant, he only helps perpetuate the stereotype about his family. Got to push back, Sam.