Splendors and Glooms Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Splendors and Glooms? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How do the owners of the phoenix-stone all die?

In a fire
In a flood
In a freak roller-coaster accident
In a hurricane
Q. What is inside the locket that Clara gets for her birthday?

Pictures of all her siblings
A little heart
Locks of hair from all her dead siblings
A picture of Justin Bieber
Q. Which part of Strachan's Ghyll collapses when Clara destroys the phoenix-stone?

The front parlor
The tower
The gatehouse
The bouncy castle
Q. Who is the only platonic friend that Cassandra has ever loved in her whole life?

Queen Elizabeth
Mr. Fettle
Q. Why does Parsefall lock himself in the Tower Room at Strachan's Ghyll?

Because he likes how it smells
Because there are lots of cool toys there
Because Grisini can't get him there
Because he's tired of seeing Lizzie Rose every day