The Goonies Scene 62 Summary

  • The Goonies, meanwhile, are looking for a way to get through an extremely small hole in the cave wall.
  • They light one of the "candles" they found earlier so they can see what they're doing…only to realize after one of them has been lit that it is, indeed, dynamite. Everyone takes cover under water, as the stick of TNT blasts a much larger hole in the rock.
  • Willy's final booby trap has been set in motion, and the entire cave is now collapsing, giant chunks of rock falling onto the ship and into the lagoon.
  • One particularly large rock has fallen in front of the recently blasted hole, but Sloth doesn't have those muscles for nothin'. He holds up the rock long enough for all the Goonies to get through, escaping into daylight at long last.
  • Sadly, Sloth is then left inside the cave with both the huge falling rocks and his family, and it's a toss-up which is worse.
  • We see a few more gears and pulleys at work, and it seems that Willy's booby trap involves the ship's anchor being pulled up out of the water. Going somewhere, Willy?