The Silver Chair Chapter 13 Summary

Underland Without the Queen

  • Now the four have to find a way out of Underland without getting attacked by the creepy Earthmen, so Jill, Scrubb, Puddleglum, and Rilian discuss what to do while fixing Puddleglum's foot.
  • As they talk, the group hears low rumbling noises and sees a red light through the windows. They conclude that the queen had enchantments on Underland, so now that she's dead, the place will be destroyed.
  • Rilian proposes that they take the two horses in the stable and make for one of the outlets to Overland.
  • Since they expect the Earthmen to attack them, though, Rilian suggests that they say goodbye to one another before they leave the house.
  • As the group rides through Underland, they see Earthmen sneaking about through the town as though preparing for attack; they also notice that the water from the Sunless Sea is rising.
  • Puddleglum captures a little Earthman and forces him to tell them the truth about his actions.
  • The Earthman promises to tell them everything, if they promise not to tell the queen. Rilian reveals that he's killed the queen himself, so there's nothing to fear.
  • The Earthman tells them how pleased he is that the queen is dead and promises friendship to Rilian for dispatching her.