The Silver Chair Chapter 7 Summary

The Hill of the Strange Trenches

  • The weather turns very nasty and the walking becomes hard, so the children are even more determined to get to Harfang—despite Puddleglum's worries.
  • As they cross a very strange landscape (lots of ledges to climb), Jill falls into a trench. She can't tell what it is or where it goes, so Scrubb joins her and they explore, but every turn has a dead end.
  • Puddleglum pulls them out and they continue to struggle through a horrid snowstorm. Puddleglum asks Jill to recite the four signs, and she loses her temper—she really can't do it.
  • The Marsh-wiggle keeps his head and wants to stop to figure out exactly what they're climbing on, but the children are miserable and grouchy and bully him into continuing.
  • They reach Harfang at the height of a terrible snowstorm and the Porter lets them in.
  • Jill delivers the message from the Lady of the Green Kirtle and the Porter is really happy.
  • He sends a lackey to tell the king and queen and gives Puddleglum some very strong alcoholic beverage; Puddleglum gets drunk immediately.
  • Soon, they are actually carried to the castle to meet the king and queen.