The Silver Chair Chapter 5 Summary


  • As it is the middle of the night, Jill has a really hard time staying awake on the journey to the Marsh, but Scrubb is getting back all the strength he'd built up the last time in Narnia.
  • The owls drop the children off with a Marsh-wiggle called Puddleglum (his name is a really good description of his attitude), and they fall asleep immediately.
  • In the morning, Jill and Scrubb consult with the pessimistic Puddleglum about how they should begin.
  • They learn that Puddleglum always sees the negative side of things, which makes them skeptical about his opinions.
  • Scrubb loses his patience with Puddleglum, even though the Marsh-wiggle knows all about Ettinsmoor, which they have to cross to get to the giants' city.
  • They eat a delicious meal of eels, and have a bad night's sleep because of Puddleglum's snoring. Hey—you win some, you lose some.