The Silver Chair Chapter 9 Summary

How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing

  • Jill, Scrubb, and Puddleglum now set about the castle to find a good way out to the ruined city.
  • Finally, Jill has a chance to shine: She kisses up to the giants of the castle and charms them with her baby-like ways (what Lewis calls "making love to everyone").
  • The three don't seem to understand why the giants respond to them with tears and saying that "it's almost a pity…"
  • Then, at lunch, something horrible happens. Puddleglum realizes that the venison they are eating came from a talking stag. (Note: Narnians consider talking animals as brothers and don't eat them.)
  • Both Scrubb and Puddleglum are horrified, and Jill gets that way, too, after a while.
  • They decide to leave lunch early and hang about the kitchen, waiting for their chance to escape through the door there.
  • While they wait for a giantess to fall asleep, Jill spies a cookbook—and a recipe for man-pie (and one for Marsh-wiggle), which is to be made for the Autumn Feast. Ah, yes; now it all makes sense.
  • They make a run for the door and the ruined city, but just at that moment, the king and queen return from their hunt, so the travelers make a run for the ruins and throw themselves into a hole.
  • Jill, Scrubb, and Puddleglum hold hands as they move through the darkness underground, but soon they hit a patch of loose dirt and rock, which sends them sliding about a mile toward the earth's core.
  • It's pitch black down there and they don't know what they're going to do. At that moment, they hear a sad voice challenging them in the darkness.
  • Oh good.