The Silver Chair Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #1

"But about a month after the Queen's death, some said they could see a change in [Rilian]. There was a look in his eyes as of a man who has seen visions, and though he would be out all day, his horse did not bear signs of hard riding." (4.58)

Rilian is already having encounters with the Lady of the Green Kirtle and his mind is being overtaken—but no one understands until it's too late. Lewis makes it clear that a person's state of mind can affect his actual physical appearance.

Quote #2

Drinian thought it strange that the Prince should choose that place of all places, to linger in. And there they rested till it came to high noon; and at noon Drinian looked up and saw the most beautiful lady he had ever seen; and she stood at the north side of the fountain and said no word but beckoned to the Prince with her hand as she bade him come to her. And she was tall and great, shining, and wrapped in a thin garment as green as poison. (4.50)

Right now, the alarm bells should be ringing in everyone's head at this description. Lewis is doing his best to give the hint that the Lady in Green is very closely related to the green serpent that killed Rilian's mother—like really closely related. Are you seeing it?

Quote #3

"If you were coming along here when it was half dark, you could easily think those piles of rock were giants. Look at that one, now! You could almost imagine that the lump on top was a head […] And the things sticking out on each side are quite like ears. They'd be horribly big, but then I daresay giants would have big ears, like elephants. And—o-o-o-h!" (6.79)

As far as transformations go, this one is pretty dramatic. That exclamation at the end of the passage is Jill's horror and surprise when the rocks begin to morph into the very kind of giants she was just describing. If only Jill had trusted her first observations…