The Silver Chair Chapter 8 Summary

The House of Harfang

  • Jill's courage fails her when she stands before the giant king and queen. Scrubb has to deliver the message from the Lady of the Green Kirtle, and though the king licks his lips, the kids don't get it.
  • Jill does not like the look of the queen, however, and because she is so cold and tired, she begins to cry. This makes the queen fuss over them and order them to be looked after.
  • The queen's old nurse whisks Jill away and treats her like an infant.
  • But it doesn't matter, because Jill gets a bath, food, and a nice bed, all of which are awesome. That night, though, instead of sweetly sleeping, she has a disturbing dream vision.
  • Aslan appears to her and asks her to repeat the four signs, but she can't do it and is terribly upset. Then, Aslan picks her up like a cub and brings her to the window, where she can see the words "Under Me" written across the sky or earth.
  • When Jill awakens in the morning, she feels much better—and she's forgotten the dream.
  • Scrubb and Puddleglum join her in the morning and climb to the window to see the land they crossed the night before.
  • They are dumbstruck by what they see. First, they realize that they were crossing the ruined city. Second, they see the words "Under Me" printed across the pavement of the ruins. Huh.
  • All of them feel terrible, but Jill feels the worst—she forgot the signs and now they've missed three out of four, so they have to figure out how to get under the city by themselves.
  • They realize they'll have to escape Harfang. When the nurse comes to let them out, they run into the courtyard, where the king and queen are starting a hunt.
  • Jill plays like a little girl and sweetly asks if they may have the run of the house while the king and queen are gone. She also pretends that they are really looking forward to the feast.
  • The queen gives them permission to explore, but Jill and the others don't understand why all the courtiers are laughing at her eagerness for the feast.