The Silver Chair Resources


Letters to Children

Lewis had a lot of young fans write to him over the years, asking questions about God, Narnia, writing, and just about everything else. Lewis enjoyed these letters and wrote some lovely and thoughtful responses to his young friends. This blog includes one such response and offers some writing advice to a girl named Joan.

BBC School Radio

This website was created just for elementary-aged schoolchildren to explore what life was like during World War II—which is the setting for many of the stories in the Chronicles of Narnia. This website lets you see and hear what life was like for children like this at a very difficult time in history.

The Life of C.S. Lewis

Explore the BBC's "Primary History" site to find out all kinds of cool information on the creator of Narnia. The website includes photos, videos, information, and links that will help you get the lowdown on Lewis.

Lewis and Spirituality

Lewis was also very famous for his work in Christian apologetics. This website looks at this side of Lewis, but also provides a great deal of information on his life and wonderful multimedia resources to help you better understand his work on Narnia.

The Wiki of Narnia

When there's a fantasy world as big as Narnia, you just know there's a wiki to go with it. This link will take you right to The Silver Chair section of this useful web-based encyclopedia for the Chronicles of Narnia.

Get Inspired

You're probably seeing a pattern here: The BBC seems to be in love with all things Lewis. This website focuses on Northern Ireland (Lewis' homeland) and on inspiring writers. You will find lots of information about Lewis' life and work, along with pictures and videos.

Movie or TV Productions

The Silver Chair Kicks it Old School

The BBC created a six-episode series to tell the story of The Silver Chair way back in 1990.

The Silver Chair on the Silver Screen

Because Aslan's already larger than life, and he deserves to be actually larger than life, too.

Articles and Interviews

Narnia's Sense of Place

This article explores how Lewis' childhood home in East Belfast (that's in Ireland) influenced his imagining of Narnia.

Caspian's Origin, on Screen

This is a short interview with the director of Prince Caspian, the 2008 movie that introduced Caspian into the Narnia storyline.

Meeting C.S. Lewis

One woman's account of meeting the man, the legend, the Lewis.


BBC's Silver Chair Series

Take a look at the 1990 version released by the BBC in six episodes. This channel has links to all episodes, in ten-minute increments.

Another Writer in Poet's Corner

A short video about Lewis' inclusion in Poet's Corner at Westminster Abbey. This one includes footage of the places that inspired Lewis' creation of Narnia.


School of Fantasy

Children's fantasy favorites Neil Gaiman, Christopher Paolini, and Tamora Pierce tackle what makes a fantasy novel a classic. Narnia takes center stage in this discussion.

The Voice

Here is a short audio clip of Lewis speaking on the BBC. He is likely sharing content from his non-fiction work, Mere Christianity.


The Art of Pauline Baynes

Enjoy the famous images that Pauline Baynes created for The Chronicles of Narnia, including book covers, maps, and calendars.

Re-Imagining Baynes's Art

Here is one artist's attempt to re-illustrate The Silver Chair, and her explanation of why it is so challenging.