The Silver Chair Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #1

All sorts of things, horrid things, went on which at an ordinary school would have been found out and stopped in half a term; but at this school, they weren't. Or even if they were, the people who did them were not expelled or punished. The Head said they were interesting psychological cases and sent for them and talked to them for hours. (1.3)

Jill and Eustace unfortunately inhabit a school-world that turns the norms of justice and fairness on their heads. Conveniently, this leaves them itching to make their escape…

Quote #2

"Why were you so near the edge, Human Child?"

"I was showing off, Sir."

"That is a very good answer, Human Child. Do so no more. And now" (here for the first time the Lion's face became a little less stern) "the Boy is safe. I have blown him into Narnia. But your task will be the harder because of what you have done." (2.24)

Aslan is a figure to be both loved and feared, and for good reason. For one, he's a gigantic lion (cute, like a plushy, yet terrifying). For another, he's got that divinity thing going on, so he knows what you're thinking, and he knows your intentions. Jill gets this right away and knows better than to try lying to Aslan—even if she tries to lie to herself about her behavior.

Quote #3

"Lord King, slay me speedily as a great traitor: for by my silence I have destroyed your son." And [Drinian] told [Caspian] the story. Then Caspian caught up a battle-axe and rushed upon the Lord Drinian to kill him, and Drinian stood still as a stock for the death blow. But when the axe was raised, Caspian suddenly threw it away and cried out, "I have lost my queen and my son: shall I lose my friend also?" And he fell upon the Lord Drinian's neck and embraced him and both wept, and their friendship was not broken. (4.60)

Perhaps Caspian would have been justified in killing Drinian for withholding information that might have saved his son. But he chooses mercy and lenience because he can't break his heart anymore. And also because he's a good king.