The Silver Chair Chapter 2 Summary

Jill is Given a Task

  • Jill is pretty freaked out by this whole experience—she keeps thinking about Scrubb screaming as he fell off the cliff and it makes her cry. A lot.
  • When she stops crying, she realizes that she's really thirsty; she can hear the delicious sound of a clear spring running somewhere in the distance. The Lion is nowhere to be found.
  • Until she finds the running water, that is. The Lion is lying just on the other side of it.
  • Now Jill finds herself in an awkward situation: She needs a drink, but the lion will surely eat her if bends down to drink.
  • Then something amazing happens: The Lion speaks. And when he does, he invites Jill to drink. She's still not sure, though…
  • But when the Lion tells Jill she'll have to drink there or die of thirst (it's the only place to drink on the mountain), Jill takes her chances and drinks.
  • Then the Lion begins to ask her some very uncomfortable questions about what happened to her friend and why she was so very near the edge of the cliff. Jill confesses that she was showing off.
  • The Lion is pleased with Jill's honesty and tells her more about how she came to be in that place.
  • He tells her that she has to go to Narnia and find the lost Prince, giving her four signs to memorize that will help her get this job done.
  • The Lion reveals that he is Aslan, the Lord of Narnia. Jill doesn't really understand anything he's told her, so Aslan makes her repeat the four signs until she's memorized them.
  • Then it's her turn to take a ride on the air into Narnia, just as Eustace did by accident not long before.
  • Jill is frightened, but soon realizes that riding on the breath of the Lion is really pleasant, and pretty soon, she's fallen asleep on the air.
  • When she lands, she is wet (from going through a cloud) and standing just a few feet away from Eustace Scrubb.