The True Meaning of Smekday The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You don't understand," Mom said, turning; and the look in her eye made me wake up a little. "It was put there! Last night!" (2.11)

Sure it was… As wacky as this whole thing sounds, Tip's mom is telling the truth. Given the supernatural stuff that goes down in this novel, everyone who sounds rational ends up being debunked. That's the thing about aliens—they make even sane people sound like they've lost their marbles.

Quote #5

"I was kidnapped by aliens and they made me fold laundry. I was abducted and the aliens made me clean their rain gutters. You see what I mean?" (2.24)

Yep, we do. It turns out the aliens want to learn all about humans, just like how we're fascinated with them. Maybe their sci-fi section includes books on us regular folk down here on earth. It's weird to think about, but those everyday tasks are supernatural from where the aliens are sitting.

Quote #6

That's when I got my first glimpse: a huge accordion hose, like a vacuum cleaner attachment, swinging down from the roof and sailing off into the darkness. I looked up quickly to see what it was attached to, but I saw only a huge dark shape high in the sky. In its wake, every car alarm in the neighborhood wailed, and every dog barked. (2.76)

When she first sees aliens, Tip isn't sure what to think—it's confusing and colorful and exciting all at the same time. She describes it for us as if we're watching the movie of her life, which helps us get a sense for what it was like.