The True Meaning of Smekday The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It fell slowly through the air like a bubble. Like a bubble with tentacles. Like a snow globe the size of half a football field, with an underbelly covered in hoses. Suddenly it lit. Not with blinking lights like an airplane: it was like the globe was filled with a glowing gas, pale yellows and greens. And purples. And inside the globe were smaller globes, and layers of platforms and shapes, and on those… possibly… tiny figures moving. (2.93)

The Boov spaceship sounds creepy, and we're just reading about it (imagine what it's like to actually see the thing). It's interesting how the supernatural spaceship has a bunch of colors and lights. Did you notice how purple is always in the bunch? Check out what we have to say about purple over in the "Symbols" section.

Quote #8

"Everything has changed. The world will never be the same. The aliens changed everything." And the thing is, of course they had. It should have gone without saying. (2.187)

When Tip hears this on television, she thinks it's downright crazy that someone would state the obvious like that. Did people really think things weren't going to change when a bunch of aliens showed up? Notice that once everyone knows about the aliens, it's no longer crazy to talk about.

Quote #9

"The shipskin is made of Gorg. Mixed-up Gorg, like from a blender. Is not even that hard— not hard like Boovish metals or plastics—but it heals. They can keep onto making more and more skin for replacing the old […]." (3.258)

The Gorgs' ship is made of a mixture of their skin, which is just gross. The fact that the Gorg are more brutal and hard-core separates them from the Boov in J.Lo's mind, but we're not so sure there is a big distinction. Both groups invade a planet and try to claim it as their own, after all.