Things Not Seen Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Coming home to an empty house. I mean, I've done it plenty of times, but tonight it's different. Alone is one thing; alone at night—all night—that's something else. (7.2)

As if Bobby wasn't already feeling lonesome enough, his parents—the only people who know about his invisibility—end up getting into a car accident and leaving him alone at home. This is going to be a tough few days.

Quote #5

The traffic thins, and a few teachers mill around the door… And then the buses pull away, and the flow trickles down to a few stragglers.

Show's over. School's out. (9.19-20)

Poor Bobby. He went all the way over to the school to stand naked outside, which sounds like a common nightmare. But no one says hi to him. It's like he doesn't exist now that he's invisible.

Quote #6

I could still back out. I could turn around and go silently out of the room and she'd never know it was me.

But it's been three days since I've talked to anyone except Mom and Dad. And Mrs. Trent and Dr. Fleming. And a couple of cabdrivers. So basically, it's been three days with no human contact. (10.6-7)

Bobby totally knows that he's risking a lot by talking to Alicia… but he can't help himself. She's the only person in the world who he can talk to without her knowing about his special condition. She won't treat him differently because of it because she can't see it.