Things Not Seen Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And I tell myself that Dad knows I'm not a little kid anymore, that he knows I'm mature enough to face facts. And I tell myself that in real life, things get messed up, and sometimes they stay that way. And I tell myself I'm proud of myself for being so mentally strong, so tough-minded. (18.149)

Even in the face of bad news—like the fact that it may take years to bring his visibility back—Bobby remains stoic. He's not a little kid anymore, and he has to accept the facts as they are.

Quote #8

And the recording goes on for about three minutes. I work my way through the menus and get to the consumer merchandise customer service line. Then I have to slog through nine choices until finally I'm asked to hold for the next available customer service representative. (19.10)

Ugh, if there's anything that tries a person's patience and will, it would definitely be calling customer support. Bobby must really want to get information about the electric blanket if he's willing to wait on hold with a retailer.

Quote #9

I'm the Greek warrior again, more like general now, planning my campaign, getting my troops ready for battle. "Simple. I can get inside the building, find the right office, get the information, and then print out a list or make a disk or something, but I can't carry floating paper or plastic around, at least not for a very long time." (19.56)

With that kind of confidence, Bobby could probably get anyone to go along with his plan. He's determined to get into the legal department and steal that list of complaints, even if it means that he has to stuff a square of paper into his bare armpit.