This Boy's Life Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"We didn't have a telephone and she never went to church. She thought it was good for me, but beside the point for herself." (2.15)

Mom's trying to make Jack a Catholic. Maybe that's her way of finding a "real" family for him: someone to give him values and make him feel good, even yell at him when he messes up. All things that she should do, but for whatever reason is unable to. Nuns = replacement moms?

Quote #2

"I imagined being adopted by different people I saw on the street." (2.16)

Jack's imagining a fantasy that can never exist: the idea that someone else would be perfect as a family, and not have problems like his family does.

Quote #3

"He would hold no grudges as long as my mother walked the line" (2.19)

From the fantasy, we go to reality: Roy's dysfunctional family unit. Mom's gotta do what he says or there will be trouble… geez, no wonder Jack takes off into Imagination Land.