This Boy's Life Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"His family had always been Jews, but I had to wait ten years before learning this." (2.4)

Apparently, Jack's dad tells lies just as much as Jack does. And yet Jack believes his dad's lies, and really thinks that Pop is upstanding. Could that be why Jack lies: an attempt to measure up to a vision of his dad that doesn't really exist?

Quote #2

"My mother didn't tell me what went on between her and Roy, the threats and occasional brutality with which he held her in place." (2.22)

Is mom deceiving Jack here? Or just trying to protect him? Sometimes in this book, you can't tell the difference. (Yeah, it's pretty twisted that way.)

Quote #3

"I nodded and presented her with an expression that was meant to register dawning comprehension." (2.85)

Wow, very sophisticated Jack! He spots what Sister James wants from him, and delivers it to her as a way of getting out of the awkward conversation. He also seems to get a lot of satisfaction out of it.